Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Edible Schoolyard/Night in the Global Village

The Edible Schoolyard was so cool. I wish I could create ideas like that. It is exactly what I think more schools should be doing. Not only does it teach self-sufficiency and hands on work, it helps a child's self-esteem, teaches team work. It teaches values, discipline...the list goes on. I honestly would love to start a school like that around here.
What the Edible Schoolyard is: It is a garden created in Berkeley, California for healthier school lunching. The students learn around the garden by building and growing a garden. They learn measurements by hands-on cooking the food they grow. They study water molecules, but most of all, they learn responsibility and teamwork.

A Night in the Global Village was different from the Garden, but an equally way of teaching kids values and humility. Students are given the chance to switch lives from a normal school student to go live on a ranch in Arkansas and see what its like to live in the shoes of the less fortunate. This big ranch has separate countries and students have to live in the country's conditions that they are assigned to. My only problem is the experiment only lasts one night. The kids only get a taste of the conditions, where as a 3 night stay would grant more knowledge and more awareness of what its really like. The biggest thing about this is the students hopefully learn that everybody is the same, even though some people are poor and some are wealthy.

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