Monday, August 25, 2008

ALEX-Tools For Many

Pink Floyd Poster
The Alabama Learning Exchange(ALEX) is a diverse website that provides many resources for teachers, administrators, and students. First, a teacher should sign up for an account on ALEX to take full advantage of its resources. The website offers all grade level courses of study from Language Arts to Foreign Language to Physical Education. There is also education web links for teachers, administrators, and students outside of ALEX. They involve lesson plans, counseling and guidance, and all courses of study. Alabama Learning Exchange offers a wide variety of lesson plans for all courses of study. A teacher can search lesson plans by author, title, or school. Teachers can also create their own lesson plans to submit to ALEX. Last but not least, ALEX offers Professional Learning. This includes many links and tabs for teaching, learning tools, and the best practices for the classroom.

The usefullness of this website is critical to the classroom. It's great to have lesson plans to give a teacher some insight or a plan to build into their own. ALEX's major selling point is the Professional Learning in which there are many links for learning tools in the classroom, and the opinion for the best practices for teaching. This is a website I will be coming to in the future for advice and teaching practices.

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