Thursday, August 28, 2008

ACCESS Granted!

ACCESS is an educational website that allows students to participate in courses that are not taught in their region of the state. ACCESS is specifically for the state of alabama. The website is mainly for students who are enrolled in Advanced Placement and want to take advantage of different areas of study. Through the internet, students and teachers can communicate and learn subjects that may not be in the average school curriculum. It is not only for students in Advanced Placement, but also for students with learning disabilities that may need extra practice or advice from other teachers. Teachers can also share educational opinions or information through video feeds.

ACCESS is a wonderful tool for all students involved. Students can get much more insight to their courses of study and it also broadens their horizons and gets them interested in learning. Teaching is no longer a one room house with one teacher. Technology allows for numerous options for ways of learning and ACCESS clearly defines that.

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