Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ignorance Should Not Be Acceptable

Band Picture of Raconteurs
I thouroughly enjoyed the blog about teachers being technologically illiterate. I agreed with everything he said. It is a part of life, not an 'add-on'. I do think they should be held responsible and ignorance to computers in the year 2008 should not be acceptable. Principals should be held accountable for their teachers and take action and get them involved. The computer is not only a tool, it's a surviving tool in today's world. He hit the nail on the head when he finally showed the part of the blog he left out in 2006. In my opinion, I think he should have left it in his blog in 2006.

"It seemed like there was a different standard for math - not knowing math was socially acceptable." That is very true. People seemed proud of their ignorance to math. And it is rubbing off for technology as well. Our society has become concerned only with themselves, instant gratification, and the "what is in it for me" attitude. Teachers technologically illiterate should be persuaded to taking computer classes to get the basics. It is discouraging to know this is still an issue in 2008. Hopefully, this discussion will be put to rest soon.

1 comment:

Brandy Wimberly said...

I liked your paragraph(s) on this subject. I really want to know who the band is in the picture. I've never heard of them.